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Domestic Violence and Child Abuse: Developing Sensitive Policies and Guidance

NCJ Number
Child Abuse Review Volume: 10 Issue: 3 Dated: May-June 2001 Pages: 183-197
Catherine Humphreys; Audrey Mullender; Pam Lowe; Gill Hague; Hilary Abrahams; Marianne Hester
Date Published
15 pages
This paper draws on a United Kingdom wide research study which mapped the extent and range of service provision to families where there was domestic violence and developed a framework of good practice indicators for provision in this area.
The paper observes that no statutory organization or health service has as its primary focus work with either perpetrators or survivors of domestic violence, but all agencies will have significant numbers among their clients/service users. Problems occur when the issue is simply "added in" to current incident-focused child care practice. This may only increase attention to the mother's "failure to protect" unless the more fundamental organizational and policy changes occur. It is therefore crucial that the policy framework is developed both within and between agencies to address the need and scope of intervention in this area and particularly the impact on children. The article examines one of the indicators of good practice - that of policy development - within social service departments and within the multi-agency arena. Table, references