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Domestic Cannabis 1988 Eradication/Suppression Program Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
25 pages
During 1988, 47 States took part in the Drug Enforcement Administration's (DEA) Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program and shared in a $3.8 million budget.
The program was established to ensure a coordinated effort between Federal, State, and local agencies involved in the eradication of domestically cultivated cannabis. DEA's role is to encourage State and local eradication efforts and to contribute, within limitations, funding, training, equipment, investigative, and aircraft resources to support such efforts. During the year 600 police personnel received training at a cost of $93,000. The DEA Aviation Unit provided support by flying 332 missions totaling 1,012.1 hours at a cost of $290,000 in direct aircraft expenses. The total amount of plants eradicated declined by 5.25 percent from 1987; the number of sinsemilla plants eradicated by 8.1 percent from the previous year. Most states had increases in plants eradicated. Arrests declined 6.7 percent from 1987, but the number of weapons seized increased by 17.7 percent over the previous year. Asset seizures declined from $13.6 million in 1987 to $9.8 million in 1988. Indoor greenhouse operation seizures increased by 4.03 percent. Overall, the program was a success. In 1989 it will strive for increased followup investigations and asset seizures. Tables, figures, and map