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Does Partnership Matter?

NCJ Number
Gazette Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Dated: (1996) Pages: 16-24
R Morrison
Date Published
9 pages
Introduction of the Ontario Police Services Act in 1989 reorganized policing priorities by emphasizing the service role of police organizations and the need for cooperation between police service providers and the community; the act also replaced traditional boards of police commissioners with police service boards and strengthened their authority to set policing objectives and priorities.
Leadership in the provision of community policing services in Ontario must now be shared between the office of the police chief and the police board. Issues involved in the dynamics of partnership between the police chief and the police board are discussed, particularly as regards misperceptions, obscure roles and responsibilities, and lack of clarity in police policies and communications. The role of the police chief in assuring community safety and security and the role played by the police board as a governing body are examined. The author indicates the police board should be involved in daily operational matters as they affect working conditions but the police board should not direct the police chief on operational matters. 6 photographs