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Does Correctional Education Have an Effect on Recidivism?

NCJ Number
Journal of Correctional Education Volume: 49 Issue: 4 Dated: December 1998 Pages: 152-161
M Jancic
Date Published
10 pages
An analysis of social and political issues surrounding the issue of correctional education's effects and a review of seven studies conducted in different regions concluded that a relationship exists between correctional education and recidivism.
The analysis focused on national data and conclusions from the Bureau of Justice Statistics and a comprehensive study focusing on successful characteristics of releasees. It also considered studies conducted in Maryland, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, and Texas; these studies focused on GED completers and non-completers, academic and vocational programs, and post-secondary correctional education. Findings indicated that students who successfully completed the GED requirements while incarcerated had a lower rate of recidivism than students in the comparison group, which did not complete GED requirements. In addition, releasees who participated in correctional academic and vocational programs tended to recidivate at a lower rate than did those who did not participate. Furthermore, students who completed high school requirements while incarcerated recidivated at a lower rate than those who did not complete the requirements. Finally, individuals who participated in post-secondary programs or completed them recidivated at a lower rate than those who did not. Although a direct correlation between correctional educational education and recidivism rates should not be claimed, the research examined here points to tendencies and suggests further research. 17 references (Author abstract modified)