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DNA Purification Cell Lysis and Wash Step Modifications for Low-Template DNA Sample Processing

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Dated: March 2020 Pages: 597-600
Sydney I. Menchhoff; Milady T. Delacruz; Madison E. Hytinen; Jordan O. Cox; Marilyn T. Miller; Tracey Dawson Cruz
Date Published
March 2020
4 pages

In this study, researchers assess DNA purification cell lysis and wash step modifications for low-template DNA sample processing.


In this study, two extraction modifications were tested to determine if the cause of DNA loss could be identified and mitigated. The researchers concluded that overall, the potential benefits of adding these extraction modifications for low-template DNA sample processing are not enough to justify the risk associated with additional manipulation. A double lysis technique was used to test for DNA loss in the sample collection substrate, and lysate eluates were re-extracted to determine DNA loss from inefficient binding to the silica column. Both modifications showed DNA was lost at these steps. However, resulting STR profiles from these samples had fewer peaks and lower peak heights when compared to samples processed with no extraction modifications. As DNA technology becomes increasingly sensitive, forensic laboratories are receiving more low-template DNA samples. These samples, already low in DNA content, become even more challenging to process as the available DNA becomes further reduced during the extraction step. (Published Abstract Provided)