This Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) fact sheet provides a brief overview of the DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction Program.
This fact sheet published by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) summarizes the DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction Program. The overarching goal of the DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction (CEBR) Formula Program is to increase the capacity of publicly funded forensic DNA and DNA database laboratories to process more DNA samples, thereby helping to reduce the number of forensic DNA and DNA database samples awaiting analysis. Funding under this program supports the following purposes: (1) to carry out, for inclusion in the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), DNA analyses of database samples collected under applicable legal authority; (2) to carry out, for inclusion in CODIS, DNA analyses of forensic case (e.g., “crime scene”) samples; and (3) to increase the capacity of publicly funded forensic DNA and DNA database laboratories. This program furthers the Department’s mission/Attorney General’s priorities by funding states and units of local government with existing crime laboratories that conduct DNA analysis to solve crimes and protect public safety by maximizing the effective utilization of DNA technology to process DNA samples for entry into CODIS. Funding under this program supports the following purposes: (1) increase the capacity of laboratories to process CODIS eligible crime scene samples in accredited, publicly funded forensic DNA laboratories through the use of DNA technology; and (2) increase laboratory efficiency for processing CODIS eligible crime scene samples analyzed in accredited, publicly funded forensic DNA laboratories through the use of DNA technology.