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Divorce Mediation - Some Keys to the Process

NCJ Number
Mediation Quarterly Issue: 9 Dated: (September 1985) Pages: 27-34
M L Shaw
Date Published
8 pages
Two case studies are presented to illustrate the power of the mediation process in resolving custody disputes.
In the first case, both parents were trying very hard to be civil to each other and to minimize the pressure on their son. In the second case, the parents, seemingly unaware and unconcerned, did everything they could to sabotage and torment their children. Key elements in helping the parents in these difficult cases to reach an agreement included allowing both parties to be fully heard and providing sufficient time to explore all feasible solutions. Meeting with each parent alone or pursuing followup telephone contacts also contributed to positive results. Finally, and most importantly in these cases, involving the children in the mediation process helped resolve stalemates by providing the parents with feedback and helping them focus more on the needs of their children. In both cases, the agreements reached through mediation have been in effect for over a year.


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