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Diversion of Mentally Impaired From the County and State Criminal Justice System

NCJ Number
Date Published
6 pages
Galveston County (Texas) was faced with alleviating the problems law enforcement officers were having in implementing the Texas Mental Health Code.
Bridging the gap between Social Services and law enforcement agencies resulted in the Mental Health Deputy Program, whose specialized service includes intervention in crisis situations and referral of clients to alternative assistance programs rather than inappropriate institutionalization or incarceration. Under the auspices of the County Commissioner's Court, the Galveston County Sheriff's Department, and the Regional Mental Health Mental Retardation Center, the Mental Health Deputy Program became a reality on September 1, 1975. The procedure established for handling mentally ill or disturbed clients in compliance with state law, protected the community as well as the rights of these individuals. This creative solution by county government has resulted in the lowest commitment rate to state institutions in Texas, if not the nation, while keeping almost all mentally disturbed and handicapped from being incarcerated. (Author abstract modified)