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Dispute Resolution and Higher Education

NCJ Number
Negotiation Journal Volume: 1 Issue: 4 Dated: (October 1985) Pages: 301-305
M Crohn
Date Published
5 pages
In describing the National Institute for Dispute Resolution's (NIDR) promotion of dispute-resolution education in colleges, this article identifies existing patterns of such education and how to overcome obstacles to its expansion.
Current curricular patterns for dispute-resolution education are (1) degree programs or concentrations in the field, (2) specialized dispute resolution courses within professional schools, and (3) the integration of dispute resolution with other disciplines. Some obstacles to the expansion of dispute-resolution education are its lack of professional lineage and the absence of an associated body of knowledge distinct from existing major disciplines. These obstacles can be overcome by persuading colleges and universities of the growing use of and demand for alternative dispute resolution as well as the benefits of a citizenry informed about such procedures. NIDR began its efforts in this area in 1983 with a program to increase the number of law schools offering dispute-resolution education, and in April 1985 NIDR solicited proposals for grants to support such education in graduate schools of business, planning, public affairs, public administration, and public policy. The goal is to develop course materials and include dispute resolution material in commercial textbooks. 1 note and 1 table.


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