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Discover the World of Work - Police Officer - Teacher's Guide and Student Materials

NCJ Number
Date Published
58 pages
Developed for the Spanish-speaking student at the advanced reader level (Level C), this booklet is one of three modules (Levels A, B, and C) in a curriculum unit on the police officer.
The curriculum unit is one of a series of 12 curriculum units, each on a different occupation, designed to develop career awareness in migrant and non-migrant Spanish-speaking students at different reading levels, particularly in grades K-6. The booklet is divided into three sections: (1) Teaching Unit, which includes a listing of occupations related to the police officer at the entry and professional levels, unit objectives, major activities (a story and a mock trial), coordinated subjects (reading and social studies), attitude and awareness concepts, and a suggestion for a large group (2) Student Activities I and II (in separate sections), which provide activities presented in the teaching unit, and which allow the testing of student learning according to unit objectives; and (3) Criterion Referenced Tests, which correspond to the two student activities. All information is presented in both English and Spanish on a simultaneous, page-by-page basis. (Resources in Education (ERIC) abstract)