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Directory of State Court Clerks and County Courthouses, 1990 Edition

NCJ Number
Date Published
355 pages
The 1990 edition of the Directory of State Court Clerks and County Courthouses features supreme court, appellate court, trial court, and county court clerks on a state-by-state basis.
The directory also includes a list of State attorney generals and their staff, as well as State offices of vital statistics and information on how to order records. A special Canadian section lists major Canadian federal and provincial courts and enforcement officials. Although there are differences from state to state, each State court system typically is composed of a supreme court, an appellate court, and a trial court of general jurisdiction. The trial court of general jurisdiction basically hears both civil and criminal cases, and its decisions are reported in legal journals. Courts of limited jurisdiction include courts that specialize in a particular area of the law such as probate or family courts or courts whose jurisdiction is limited to claims not exceeding a certain dollar amount such as municipal and small claims courts. For each county, the directory includes the name, address, and telephone number of court and county clerks. Diagrams of each State court system are provided.