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Directory: Services for Victims of Crime

NCJ Number
C Evans
Date Published
172 pages
This nationwide inventory, compiled by the Canadian Criminal Justice Association, identifies services in different areas of the country for victims of crime and is intended to facilitate the development of a national communication network between similar agency types.
Increased recognition of the emotional stress, physical injury, and emotional strain associated with being the victim of a criminal act has led to the implementation of programs such as police-based victim/witness service units. Victim lobby groups and community acknowledgement of violent crimes like spousal assault, sexual assault, and child abuse have resulted in more services for victims of these crimes. Concomitantly, different levels of government have started to address the rights and needs of victims. Several Canadian provinces have developed inventories of provincial and local services available to crime victims. These inventories include titles, addresses, telephone numbers, and brief descriptions of available services. The same type of information is incorporated in the nationwide inventory of services.