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Directory of New York State Criminal Justice Agencies, Twentieth Edition 2006

NCJ Number
Date Published
October 2006
201 pages
This is the 20th edition of the Directory of New York State Criminal Justice Agencies representing law enforcement, youth, courts, and corrections, as well as Federal and State criminal justices agencies and professional associations within the State of New York.

Twelve sections list, alphabetically, the criminal justice agencies within New York State: law enforcement, law enforcement support, youth agencies, prosecution and defense, courts, probation, corrections, parole, State criminal justice agencies, New York City: State and city agencies, Federal criminal justice agencies, and professional associations. County-specific agencies in New York City are listed under the county headings of Bronx, Kings (Brooklyn), New York (Manhattan), Richmond (Staten Island), and Queens, and are also listed under the New York City Criminal Justice Agencies section. For counties of jurisdiction, for New York State Park Police and Environmental Conservation Police regions it is necessary to contact that agency’s central office. Created in 1998, the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) was the former Division of Youth.

Corporate Author
New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services

4 Tower Place, Albany, NY 12203-3764, United States

Sale Source
New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services

4 Tower Place, Albany, NY 12203-3764, United States

Publication Format
Publication Type
United States of America