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Directory of New York State Criminal Justice Agencies, 2002, Seventeenth Edition

NCJ Number
Date Published
205 pages
This directory provides contact information for major criminal justice agencies in New York State.

Addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and the names of the agency directors (with the exception of judges under the court listing) are provided for each organization. Forty-seven categories of agencies are grouped into the following 10 major sections: Law Enforcement, Prosecution and Defense, Courts, Probation, Youth, Corrections, Parole, Associations, State Level Criminal Justice Agencies, and Federal Level Criminal Justice Agencies. Within categories, agencies are listed alphabetically by county, agency, region, or person where appropriate; State Police Troop headquarters are listed alphabetically by the troop letter designation; U.S. Attorneys are listed under Federal Level Criminal Justice Agencies. Law enforcement agencies listed in the directory are departments that report offense and arrest information to the Division of Criminal Justice Services under the Uniform Crime Reporting or New York State Incident Based Reporting programs. Basic requirements for such reporting are a defined jurisdiction of patrol, jurisdiction that covers criminal offenses, and access to a New York State Police Information Network computer terminal.