NCJ Number
Date Published
513 pages
More than 225 resource entries constitute this directory designed to locate resources available to correctional organizations, staff, and clients and to serve as a reference tool for State and local governments and community agencies involved in corrections planning.
Federal programs are indexed according to the Federal agency that administers and regulates the program, as well as by decisionmaking area and by groups eligible for resource assistance (particularly minorities). The directory's central component lists all agency programs that are identified as present or potential corrections resources. Information is provided on 20 specific interest areas including the Federal agency administering the program; the program's nature, objectives, and goals; eligibility requirements for both the applicant and beneficiary; and the types of resource assistance offered. These areas are divided into five basic sections: authority for the program, scope and eligibility requirements, resources, management, and information contacts. A bibliography of additional sources and program description materials is included. Appendixes present addresses and telephone numbers of Federal information centers and regional councils; lists of corrections functional areas, types of assistance, and programs requiring circular coordination; an application for Federal assistance; a sample interview schedule; an example of how to use the directory; suggestions for proposal writing; State abbreviations; and a glossary of terms. (Author abstract modified)