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Directory of Criminal Justice Information Sources - Fourth Edition

NCJ Number
C Lundy
Date Published
144 pages
This directory is an updated listing of agencies in the criminal justice field which act as information sources. It is based on a 1981 survey of approximately 260 criminal justice agencies.
Each entry includes the agency address, telephone number, and contact person. The name of the agency director, the agency's objectives and services, the year the agency was established, user restrictions, the name of the parent organization or sponsoring agency, the number of staff, and the areas of activity are also provided. If applicable, the size of the agency's collection and its publications are mentioned. The agencies included feature information services such as computerized literature searches, interlibrary loan programs, reference, and technical assistance. The organizations are listed in alphabetical order, and two indexes, by geographic location and criminal justice specialty, are provided. Criteria for agencies to be included in the next edition of the directory are presented, along with a blank response form and guidelines for completion.


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