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Directory of Criminal Justice Data Collections in the United States

NCJ Number
Date Published
463 pages
This directory provides a guide to quantitative, computer-readable resources relevant to the study of crime and the criminal justice system.

It provides information on the CJ DATA database and how to use the Stanford Public Information Retrieval System (SPIRES) to search the database. Data collection descriptions are provided for the 671 records as they appear in the CJ DATA database. These records are arranged by topical category and alphabetically by principal investigator within each topic. Each includes a summary, keywords, and distributor and funding information. Topic areas include community studies, corrections, courts, case processing, the criminal justice system, delinquency and violence, drug use and dependency, government responses to crime, gun control, laws and the legal system, miscellaneous problems, police, political and corporate crime, social problems, statistics, victimization, and youth and juvenile corrections. Also provided are listings of the 115 keywords used to describe the data collections and a summary of all the sources distributing data collections listed in the directory.