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Direction of Aggression and Reaction to Frustration in Juvenile Delinquents

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Criminology Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Dated: (July 1981) Pages: 110-113
V D Misra
Date Published
4 pages
Methodology and findings are presented from an Indian study that compared juvenile delinquents with control normals in direction of aggression and reaction to frustration.
Rosenzweig (1944) has classified three directions of aggression: (1) extrapunitive, where the individuals aggressively attribute their frustration to external persons or things; (2) intropunitive, where the individuals aggressively attribute their frustration to themselves; and (3) impunitive, where aggression does not apparently supply the motivating force for behavior (repression). The study was based on the testing of a sample of 90 delinquents and 100 control normals. All subjects were males and were matched for age and education. For the measurement of the direction of aggression and reaction to frustration, Rosenzwieg's P.F. study (Hindu version) as adapted and standardized by Pareek (1959) was used. Means, standard deviations, and 't' statistics were developed for the General Conformity Rating, all the three directions of aggression, and for the three reactions to frustration. Reactions to frustration were classified as (1) obstacle-dominance, where the barrier occasioning the frustration is prominent in the responses; (2) ego-defense, where the 'ego' of the subject predominates in the response; and (3) need-persistence, where the resolution of the frustrating situation is emphasized. Findings show that compared to normal children, delinquents suffer from the inadequacy of social adjustment which is indicative of paranoid tendency, display ego weakness, and overemphasize the resolution of the frustrating problem. Tabular data and eight references are provided.