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Dimensions of Police Types - A Study of Perspective and Passion

NCJ Number
Criminal Justice and Behavior Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Dated: (September 1981) Pages: 303-323
E Hockstedler
Date Published
21 pages
In his book, Police: Streetcorner Politicians (1977), William Ker Muir, Jr., presents a typology of four officers that rests on two dimensions: Perspective and Passion. This article presents the results of an empirical test of those two underlying dimensions.
The conclusion to be drawn from the findings is that the two dimensions described by Muir, as represented empirically in this test, fail to identify the four types he depicts. Instead, the four types appear in this analysis as very general characters defined by several dimensions that are distinct rather than cohesive. Perspective and Passion, therefore, claim too much; they each contain more than can be subsumed in a single dimension. (Publisher abstract modified)


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