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Digital Communications Techniques and Equipment for Law Enforcement Use

NCJ Number
Date Published
76 pages
The report examines possible applications of digital communications equipment for use in law enforcement.
Digital communications equipment is of potential interest to police agencies because it can help alleviate the congestion that can result from a high volume of voice-only radio network use. Digital signaling can be carried out at higher transimssion rates than voice communications, so a greater volume of information can be handled. In addition, digital messages are less readily intercepted intelligently than are voice messages. As a result of these qualities, many police agencies are placing a higher priority on the procurement and use of digital communications equipment. Digital communications are particularly suited to status-only transactions, which can account for over half of the messages exchanged in law enforcement work. The most sophisticated application of digital communications would be a full-text, two-way capability, where the mobile digital equipment would essentially consist of a computer terminal. The type of information exchanged determines the impact of digital communications on police operational procedures. Communications involving status produce the least impact on police operations. Discussions of voice message volume on typical police radio networks, operational requirements for digital communications equipment, and technical aspects of mobile digital communications are provided. Data tables, figures, 72 references, and an appendix listing suggestions for prospective users of mobile digital communications equipment are included.