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Difficult to Place Juveniles

NCJ Number
P H van der Laan; C Verwers; A A M Essers
Date Published
79 pages
The Netherlands Research and Documentation Center of the Ministry of Justice initiated research in 1989 to provide more insight into the problems surrounding the placement in an institution of juveniles under a supervision order.
Juvenile court magistrates of six court districts selected 359 juveniles considered "difficult to place." In comparison with other juveniles under a supervision order in residential care, boys were overrepresented (65 percent) and girls underrepresented. Most selected youngsters were 16 or 17 years old and slightly older than other juveniles in residential care. "Difficult to place" juveniles had more serious psychosocial problems than other juveniles in residential care: school problems, problems at home, psychiatric disorders, behavioral problems of parents, behavioral problems, and sexual problems. All youngsters suffered from at least two or more of the identified problem categories. 26 footnotes, 26 tables, and 4 appendixes