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Differentiating Emotions in a Sample of Men in Treatment for Hypersexual Behavior

NCJ Number
Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Dated: April-June 2010 Pages: 197-213
Rory C. Reid, Ph.D., L.C.S.W.
Date Published
June 2010
17 pages
This study analyzed differences between a group of hypersexual clients and a comparison group on indexes of hypersexuality and emotions.
This study investigated distinct emotions in a sample of men (n = 103) seeking help for hypersexual behavior compared to a control group of college students (n = 100) using the Hypersexual Behavior Inventory and the Differential Emotions Scale. Significant differences between groups emerged on several domains of emotion and hypersexual behavior. Self-hostility was the most significant predictor of hypersexual behavior. These findings suggest that self-critical affect, such as shame, might exert an influence in precipitating or perpetuating hypersexual behavior. Tables and references (Published Abstract)