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Differential Scavenging Among Pig, Rabbit and Human Subjects

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 63 Issue: 6 Dated: November 2018 Pages: 1684-1691
Dawnie Wolfe Steadman; Angela Dautartas; Michael W. Kenyhercz; Lee M. Jantz; Amy Mundorff; Giovanna M. Vidoli
Date Published
November 2018
8 pages

This paper reports on a research project that examined whether scavenger behavior varies by carrion species; it documents the research methodology and outcomes; and it states that raccoons were the most commonly observed vertebrate scavenger, scavenging was most extensive in winter, and that certain human subjects were preferred over others and over all non-human subjects. 


Different animal species have been used as proxies for human remains in decomposition studies for decades, although few studies have sought to validate their use in research aimed at estimating the postmortem interval. This study examines 45 pig, rabbit, and human subjects placed in three seasonal trials at the Anthropology Research Facility. In an earlier paper, the authors found that overall decomposition trends did vary between species that could be due to differential insect and scavenger behavior. This study specifically examines if scavenger behavior differs by carrion species. Daily photographs, game camera photographs, written observations, and Total Body Score (TBS) documented scavenging and decomposition changes. Results showed that raccoons were the most commonly observed vertebrate scavenger, that scavenging was most extensive in winter, and that certain human subjects were preferred over other humans and all non-human subjects. Finally, scavenging activity greatly reduces the accuracy of postmortem interval estimates based on TBS. (Published Abstract Provided)