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Diet Crime and Delinquency - A Review of the 1983 and 1984 Studies

NCJ Number
International Journal of Biosocial Research Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Dated: (1984) Pages: 141-153
S J Schoenthaler
Date Published
13 pages
Three California juvenile halls showed a 50 percent lower rate of antisocial behavior than expected and two long-term juvenile care facilities in Alabama found a 64 percent reduction in antisocial behavior after using an experimental diet modification for a 6-month period.
Three theoretical reasons are offered to explain the improvements reported in behavior in the California and Alabama studies: food tolerance or food 'allergy,' malnutrition of essential vitamins and minerals, and carbohydrate metabolism problems manifesting themselves as hypoglycemia. The cause may very well be a combination of the above three theories. 46 references. (Author abstract)