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Diagnosis of Killers Seen for Psychiatric Assessment - A Controlled Study

NCJ Number
ACTA Psychiatric Scandinavica Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Dated: (September 1982) Pages: 216-228
R Langevin; D Paitich; B Orchard; L Handy; A Russon
Date Published
13 pages
In this study, 109 killers, 38 nonviolent offenders, and 54 community controls were compared on psychiatric diagnosis, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), Cattell 16 PF, IQ, and clinical neurological results.
Killers did not differ from nonviolent offenders on diagnosis or personality in general. Only higher MMPI Hysteria scale scores differentiated the killers from the other groups. IQ tended to be lower and neurological findings more often positive in homicide cases than in controls. Results suggest that previous uncontrolled research on homicide may be misleading. Tables and about 50 references are supplied. (Author abstract modified)


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