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NCJ Number
American Journal of Disease of Children Volume: 146 Issue: 6 Dated: (June 1992) Pages: 688-693
H Dubowitz; M Black; D Harrington
Date Published
6 pages
This study examined how the history, psychological evaluation, medical examination, and child's response to the examination contributed to a diagnosis of child sexual abuse by an interdisciplinary team.
The setting for the study was a subspecialty clinic for the evaluation of prepubertal children alleged to have been sexually abused. The participants were 132 children alleged to have been sexually abused, along with their parents or guardian. They were evaluated consecutively in the clinic between September 1989 and June 1990. A social worker interviewed the parents, a psychologist interviewed the child, and a pediatrician obtained a medical history and examined the child. Parents completed a child Behavior Checklist, and the child's response to the physical examination was noted. A disclosure by the child and abnormal physical findings were significantly and independently associated with the team's diagnosis of sexual abuse. The presence of sexualized behavior, somatic problems, and the child's response to the examination did not make an additional contribution to the diagnosis. The findings support the need for a skilled psychological interview and a medical examination of a child alleged to have been sexual abuse. An interdisciplinary team is apparently a valuable way to evaluate these children and their families. 4 tables and 35 references


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