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Development of a Social, Demographic and Land Use Profiler for Areas of High Crime

NCJ Number
British Journal of Criminology Volume: 37 Issue: 1 Dated: (Winter 1997) Pages: 103-120
A Hirschfield; K J Bowers
Date Published
18 pages
This paper discusses the development of a system for producing demographic, land use and crime risk profiles for crime "hotspots" and user-defined areas.
Maps that show the patterns of crimes do not allow the investigator to analyze, in depth, the relationships between levels of crime and the social and physical environment. To address these shortcomings, a demographic, land use and crime risk profiling system was developed and piloted in Merseyside in northwest England. This paper sets out the need for a profiling system, discusses the data sets used and addresses some issues concerning profile production and design. The paper includes examples of different applications of the profiler and describes an agenda for future research. Implications of the relationships and ideas developed by the profiler may include: (1) a more systematic targeting of border areas for crime prevention programs such as neighborhood watches; (2) allocation of police resources based on the definition of areas with a high demand for formal social control; and (3) improvement of initiatives targeting particular types of recorded crime. Figure, tables, appendixes, references


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