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Development of a Scale To Measure Public Attitude Towards Police

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Criminology Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Dated: (July 1985) Pages: 84-95
Date Published
7 pages
This paper outlines the development of a 21-item Likert-type scale designed to measure public attitudes toward the police.
The initial item pool consisted of 104 items covering all aspects of police-public relations. Using data from a diversified sample of Indian adults, the item pool was reduced to 21 items with a probability value of .001 or less and a contingency coefficient of .5 or more. Subsequent assessment of the scale with 100 university students indicates that the instrument is sufficiently reliable and consistent. Use of the normal group/criterion group comparison method indicates that the test is valid for the purpose and setting for which it was constructed. The instrument is appended. 17 references.


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