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Development of a Questionnaire to Examine the Role of Counsellors Working With School Students and Their Families With Alcohol or Other Drug-Related Problems

NCJ Number
Drug and Alcohol Review Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Dated: March 1998 Pages: 77-86
J. C. Grove; R. A. Bush
Date Published
10 pages
This paper discusses the development of the Role Perception Questionnaire (RPQ) for use in assessing the training needs of school-based counselors who work with drug-abusing youth and their families.
The major focus is on the section of the questionnaire used to identify the counselors' perceptions of their role in intervening with students with alcohol or other drug-related problems, along with their families. The RPQ, although based on the Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Perception Questionnaire, was developed to examine the perceptions of a particular group of human service providers, school counselors, about working with students who have alcohol, tobacco, and other drug-related problems. A review of the development of the RPQ considers the following four steps: conceptual development, item development, item modification, and statistical validity. Using expertise from the field, the content and face validity were examined prior to the statistical analyses of the internal structure of the scales. The results of the factor analyses and internal consistency analyses provide for an instrument with four subscales, three of which have adequate internal properties. These three are role adequacy, role support, and role permission. The fourth factor was shown to have only modest reliability. For the purposes of this particular study a decision was made to retain this factor and to name it as "Role Definition." The four subscales are defined. 3 tables and 39 references