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Development of an Antibody Hapten-Chip System for Detecting the Residues of Multiple Antibiotic Drugs

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 54 Issue: 4 Dated: July 2009 Pages: 953-960
Ailiang Chen M.Sc.; Guoquing Wang M.Sc.; Qin Cao B.Sc.; Yan Wang M.Sc.; Zhaohui Zhang Ph.D.; Yimin Sun M.Sc.; Hui Wang M.Sc.; Chaoyi Xu B.Sc.; Qi Zhou B.Sc.; Pei Han B.Sc.; Miao Liu B.Sc.; Yang Yang B.Sc.; Wanli Xing Ph.D.; Keith R. Mitchelson Ph.D.; Jing Cheng Ph.D.
Date Published
July 2009
8 pages
This study describes a practical biochip assay system for identifying antibiotic residues in different animal tissue extracts, which facilitates testing for antibiotics used extensively throughout the world in the production of animal products for human food consumption.
Numerous potential effects on human health are posed by the presence of such antibiotic residues in consumed food, including the risk of increased resistance of pathogenic bacteria toward the antibiotics and adverse human health effects after consumption, as well as the inhibition of starter cultures used in cheese and yogurt production. In enabling adequate risk evaluation and guiding subsequent action, sophisticated and robust analytical methods are needed to screen for a wide variety of antibiotic residues that may be present due to the choice of animal feed. The system proposed in this paper uses a simple but efficient multiresidue sample extraction procedure in order to isolate the antibiotic residues that are then identified directly with the use of high-affinity monoclonal antibodies presented in a competitive immunoassay with conjugated antibiotic hapten-chips. The hapten-chip can analyze six samples each for eight antibiotics on a single chip within 3 hours. The analytical results with both artificial positive standard samples and the incurred samples show that the antibody hapten-chip system has a comparable accuracy and a similar sensitivity to a standard ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry assay. 2 figures, 5 tables, and 13 references