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Development and Implementation of the Management Incentive Training Program in the New Orleans Police Department

NCJ Number
A P Selmore
Date Published
50 pages
Findings are presented from a process evaluation of the Management Incentive Training Program (MITP) of the New Orleans Police Department, a program designed to provide management techniques and skills to sergeants and lieutenants.
Prior to the institution of the MITP, most officers did not have a structured opportunity to apply learned principles to daily work environments. The MITP was intended to provide familiarity with necessary management and organizational principles and techniques and the application of them to the problems and situations encountered on the job. The evaluation examined the extent to which MITP goals and objectives were met for the first year of operation. The goals were to establish a program tailored to the particular needs of the department, as well as to offer training that will result in all police functions being performed more effectively and efficiently. A specific objective was to provide training for about 196 sergeants, 68 lieutenants, and 68 captains by the second year of operation. Another objective was to incorporate the federally funded MITP into the department's promotional procedures. Findings show that all objectives were achieved or exceeded, except that there were no available records indicating that efforts had been made to incorporate the training into promotional procedures. Tabular data are provided, and appended are a summary of workshop daily activities, analyses of tests and questionnaires, and divisional assignments of commissioned officers.