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Development and Feasibility of an HIV and IPV Prevention Intervention Among Low-Income Mothers Receiving Services in a Missouri Day Care Center

NCJ Number
Violence Against Women Volume: 16 Issue: 5 Dated: May 2010 Pages: 560-578
Maithe Enriquez; An-Lin Cheng; Patricia J. Kelly; Jacki Witt; Angela D. Coker; Susan Kashubeck-West
Date Published
May 2010
19 pages
This article outlines the development and feasibility of an HIV and IPV prevention intervention.
Researchers formed a partnership with a group of women representative of the population that the intervention was intended to reach using methods derived from participatory action research. The use of health protective behaviors changed from pre- to postintervention in the clinically desirable direction. Results indicated that intervention delivery was feasible in the novel setting of a large urban day care center. This intervention has promise as a strategy to reduce HIV among low-income women; however, a controlled study is indicated to further examine intervention efficacy. Tables and references (Published Abstract)