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Development and Evaluation of a Family Systems Approach to the Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse

NCJ Number
Journal of Child and Youth Care Dated: special issue (Fall 1991) Pages: 103-128
R Babins-Wagner
Date Published
26 pages
The Family Sexual Abuse Treatment Program (FSATP) is the first program in Western Canada to provide services to victims of child sexual abuse through a family system- oriented treatment process. The FSATP strives to reduce child welfare intervention by facilitating the necessary changes in client families, thereby decreasing the possibility of a recurrence of sexual abuse.
Families are categorized into four groups, depending on the function which the abusive behavior fulfills: affection exchange (category I), erotic exchange (category II), aggression exchange (category III), and expression of rage (category IV). The strategic/systemic family therapy offered by the FSATP is generally successful with the first two categories and somewhat successful with the third category; category IV families are not accepted into the program. This article outlines the theoretical framework of the program, including assessment, treatment, types of intervention, therapeutic issues, and service objectives. The service components of FSATP include the diagnostic assessment, treatment, coordination of services, education and training, termination, post-treatment evaluation, and follow-up. Program outcome is measured through therapist evaluation, client satisfaction, and post-test results. 2 tables, 1 appendix, and 96 references