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Developing Private Sector Prison Industries: From Concept to Start Up

NCJ Number
Date Published
112 pages
Addressed to correctional administrators, agency directors, elected officials, and other policymakers, this report describes a process for developing private-sector prison industries (PSPI) based on the experiences of correctional agencies that have already developed PSPI.
Individual sections explain the recent development of PSPI, distinguish PSPI from other prison work programs, detail the formulation of program goals, and list the factors to consider when deciding which type of private sector involvement is best suited for a correctional agency. Further sections discuss planning and management, issues that the agency is likely to confront after initial design questions have been addressed, and the role of legislation in the development and operation of PSPI. The report also covers selection criteria for private partners, incentives for attracting companies to the prison, implementation issues, provisions that should be included in a contract with a private company, and the broader social issues involved. Footnotes, tables, diagrams, and appended study instrument and tables