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Developing Officer Performance Evaluation Systems in Community Policing Agencies by the Year 2002

NCJ Number
S M Jordan
Date Published
94 pages
This study identifies future appraisal methods that will be used to evaluate patrol officer performance in mid- sized community policing agencies by the year 2002.
Specific issues examined are the skills and abilities that will be evaluated, the measures of performance that will be used, and who will participate in the evaluation of patrol officer performance. The research reveals that in the future there will be an increasing demand for officer communication and problem solving skills; that the use of activities as performance measures will stabilize or decrease, while the use of outcomes as performance measures will increase; and the level of citizen involvement in the evaluation of officer performance will increase. Performance outcomes and qualitative assessments that support the mission of community policing will become more important. New mechanisms of performance accountability, such as administrative reports or performance contracts, will replace the traditional monthly stat sheets. The future evaluation of patrol officer performance will include input from those who have had direct observation of performance, including citizens, peers, other supervisors, and even the officers themselves. Evaluation instruments will be redesigned to be specific to the position of patrol officers, as they will focus on officer communication and problemsolving skills. This report presents a strategic plan and a transition management approach. 4 tables, graphs, questionnaire, 38 notes, and 55-item bibliography