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Developing an Instrument to Measure Satisfaction with Divorce Mediation

NCJ Number
Mediation Quarterly Issue: 10 Dated: (December 1985) Pages: 91-98
J H White
Date Published
8 pages
This study describes the development of the Satisfaction with Divorce Mediation Instrument (SDMI), the establishment of its validity, and the testing of its reliability.
A literature review and discussions with practicing family mediators in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area were used to develop a 79-item attitude survey. It contained items on general attitudes (whether mediation was helpful or useful), on child custody and visitation, and on property settlement and finances. Content validity (the representativeness or sampling adequacy of the SDMI content) was assessed by 5 experts in mediation, and a second draft, containing 39 items, was again sent to the panel of experts. The acceptable mean was 1.5. To determine the internal consistency of the SDMI items (reliability), the instrument was administered to 63 persons (37 females and 26 males) who had completed divorce mediation within the last 18 months. The testing indicates that the SDMI is a valid and reliable instrument. Suggestions are offered for further research. Tabular data and 11 references.


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