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Deterring Computer Crime

NCJ Number
Technology Review Dated: (February/March 1990) Pages: 34-40
K Rosenblatt
Date Published
7 pages
This article documents the need to implement new strategies for deterring computer crime.
Current methods for dealing with computer crime include neither of the two elements to deterrence: convince potential criminals they will be apprehended and their punishment will be unacceptably harsh. The first step to deterring computer crime involves abandoning the idea that local police departments can fight computer crime effectively. A promising solution calls for the organization of special task forces for the sole purpose of apprehending computer criminals. Staffed by officers and prosecutors from local agencies, these task forces would enjoy statewide jurisdiction but be placed in high-technology regions. Approaches to demonstrate the certainty of harsh punishment involve implementing legislation that mandates forfeiture of equipment used in computer crime and establishing a "computer offender registry" for repeat or serious criminals. Whatever the method, barring offenders from sensitive positions in computing serves to protect society by preventing and deterring computer crime.