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Deterrence and Homeless Male Street Youths

NCJ Number
Canadian Journal of Criminology Volume: 40 Issue: 1 Dated: January 1998 Pages: 27-60
S W Baron; L W Kennedy
Date Published
34 pages
This study explored the effects of the threat of formal punishment on the criminal behavior of homeless male street youth in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, with particular emphasis on how these effects were shaped by living conditions and other lifestyle factors.
Interview data were collected in May-July 1995 and focused on serious property crimes and violent offenses. Information on dependent variables, several measures of criminal involvement, was obtained through self-reports. Independent variables included formal sanctions and informal control. Findings revealed many street youth feared legal sanctions but more serious offenders did not. Instead, fear of punishment was reduced by poverty, drug use, association with criminal peers, and missing normative constraints. Serious street youth offenders were immersed in a lifestyle in which crime, drugs, and criminal peers fed off each other and isolated these offenders from conventional society. Poverty, homelessness, peer support, and conventional commitments influenced perceptions of threatened formal sanctions but did not exhibit any direct effects on crime. The authors suggest traditional models of deterrence must be re-examined when dealing with at-risk groups. 81 references, 7 notes, 3 tables, and 1 figure

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