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DETECHIP: A Sensor for Drugs of Abuse

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 55 Issue: 3 Dated: May 2010 Pages: 723-727
Raychelle M. Burks, M.F.S.; Shari E. Pacquette, B.S.; Mike A. Guericke, B.S.; Mark V. Wilson, Ph.D.; David J. Symonsbergen, M.S.; Kerry A. Lucas, Ph.D.; Andrea E. Homes, Ph.D.
Date Published
May 2010
5 pages

The design and preliminary characterization of a novel sensor for drugs of abuse, DETECHIP, is described in this proof-of-concept note.


Combining both colorimetric and fluorimetric assays, DETECHIP is suitable for lab and field use. More than a conventional spot test which provides a single "yes or no" answer, DETECHIP provides twenty responses for a more complete characterization of suspect material. This is accomplished by visually noting colorimetric and fluorescent changes of carefully selected dyes upon the addition of test analytes, including drugs of abuse, with respect to controls. Color and fluorescence changes are recorded numerically so that a 20 digit identification code can be constructed for comparison of test analytes and known compounds. DETECHIP is applicable to a variety of drugs, both plant-derived and synthetic, addressing the need to use several different spot tests simultaneously for a single sample. 2 tables, 2 figures, and 24 references (Published Abstract)

Grant Number(s)
P20 RR016469
Sponsoring Agency
National Science Foundation

4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230, United States

National Institutes of Health

9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20014, United States

Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
United States of America

Presented at the American Chemical Society 43rd Midwest Regional Meeting (MWRM), October 8-11, 2008, in Kearney, NE; and at the Northwest Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, November 3–7, 2008, in Boise, ID.