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Designing the Total System (From Physical Security - Readings From Security Management Magazine, P 21-30, 1986, Shari Mendelson Gallery, ed. See NCJ-101017)

NCJ Number
R F Morse; G P Morse
Date Published
10 pages
This discussion of the design of a total security system addresses facility protection components; design philosophy; design techniques; access control, with particular attention to hospital security; and facility planning stages.
Facility protection components include a loss prevention management program, an architectural plan that provides access control and assistance to personnel in loss prevention, and an electronic protection system designed in conjunction with the architectural plan. Security design should focus on loss-prevention management rather than the apprehension of perpetrators after losses have occurred. A facility should be designed so each department can protect itself rather than relying primarily on a guard force. This is achieved through access control, visibility and communication through electronic monitors in high-security areas, and physical reinforcement at entrances vulnerable to break-ins. A zone concept can provide access control. This consists of architectural design that hinders persons from entering facility areas where they have no legitimate reason to be. Facilities should be designed to have unrestricted zones, controlled zones, and restricted zones. During the planning stages for a new facility, an indepth security review should be conducted in each major design phase. Schematics show a hospital floor design that implements the zone concept for access control.


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