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Description of Work Release Job Placements From Massachusetts State Correctional Facilities During 1982

NCJ Number
D H Miller
Date Published
80 pages
Inmates placed in work release placements from Massachusetts State facilities starting in 1982 most commonly worked in trade, manufacturing, and service areas and in the job categories of services, semiskilled labor, and unskilled labor.
Data were collected in August and September 1983 on all 837 placements begun during 1982. A total of 619 individuals were placed; of these, only 65 were still on the job at the end of data collection. The most common job termination types were still in work release at the same institution (seeking a new job), transferred to higher security, released with the job, and transferred to another prerelease. The inmates worked an average of 38 hours per week for 95 days. The mean entry wage was $4.47 per hour; the mean termination wage was $4.61 per hour. Comparisons with other State data, data tables, appendixes presenting information on job categories and related topics, and 15 references are supplied.