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Department of Labor Manpower Programs in Corrections (From National Workshop on Corrections and Parole Administration, Second Proceedings, P 13-19, 1974 - See NCJ-85059)

NCJ Number
C W Phillips
Date Published
7 pages
Research and demonstration conducted by the Department of Labor and other Federal agencies have shown that inmate education and vocational training can be achieved and ex-inmate job placement accomplished if proven methods are used.
Inmate education and vocational training are more effective when done outside an institution through work release and work furloughs, and this aids the inmate in his/her transition from institutional life to normative society. With selected offenders, manpower programs in association with pretrial diversion are preferable to institutionalization. The bonding of ex-inmates in their employment also aids in their job placement, and the low default rate has kept Government costs reasonable. Research has also shown that corrections and parole should be coordinated in the rehabilitation process, preferably through mutual agreement programming, so that release coordinates with the completion of education and training programs. Further, it has been demonstrated that contracting with an inmate in training and education programs in conjunction with a fixed release date increases the level of inmate performance.