NCJ Number
Date Published
62 pages
Testimony by Attorney General William French Smith contains the budget request of the U.S. Department of Justice for fiscal year 1983, along with a statement of the Justice Department's priorities.
The total 1983 request is for $2.67 billion and 54,104 positions. This budget would allow the Department to maintain its Federal law enforcement operations at the current level. In view of the significant Federal budget reductions proposed for domestic programs, this request reflects the President's commitment to an effective law enforcement program. The budget request includes uncontrollable cost increases of $196.1 million, program increases of $67.8 million, proposed transfers from other departments of $22.2 million, and program reductions of $94.2 million. The major part of the program increase is for $58.7 million to fund the transfer of responsibility to the Attorney General for Cuban/Haitian entrants under the Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980. Nearly all of the program reductions are related to the elimination of four programs that the Department had requested the Congress to eliminate last year. These consist of State and local grant programs and the U.S. trustees activity. This statement details the law enforcement priorities of the U.S. Justice Department for the coming fiscal year. Questions and answers presented in the hearing are included.