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Department of Justice Authorization, Fiscal Year 1981 Oversight Hearing Before the House Committee on the Judiciary, March 6, 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
55 pages
Department of Justice (DOJ) operations are discussed before a House committee charged with authorizing appropriations for DOJ.
Attorney General Civiletti provides an overview of the Department's fiscal plans for fiscal year 1981. He emphasizes the the authorization bill before Congress reflects the Department's concern for minimizing spending, concentrating funding and resources on areas of national priority, and establishing realistic priorities. Additional resources will be applied toward fighting organized crime and white-collar crime, prosecuting criminal civil rights violations, conducting foreign counterintelligence operations, addressing fraud against the Government, and combating high-level narcotics trafficking. DOJ will also continue to investigate and prosecute the denaturalization and deportation cases of alleged Nazi war criminals, phase out antiquated penitentiaries, and further develop litigation support and management systems. Also discussed are the budgets of such DOJ programs as LEAA, privacy and security issues, support for local jails, and other issues. Comments on DOJ appropriations by Congressman Rodino and an Assistant Attorney General are appended. No references are included.