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Department of Justice Annual Report 1984-85

NCJ Number
Date Published
69 pages
This annual report of Canada's Department of Justice for fiscal 1984 (ending March 31, 1985) describes the department's activities in administering justice through policymaking, legal services, and law enforcement.
After describing the roles and functions of the attorney general and the minister of justice, the mandate of the Justice Department is explained. The department's organization and committees are reviewed, followed by descriptions of the activities of the various departmental branches in the course of the year. Highlights include the department's continuing work to ensure the full implementation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the enactment of the 1985 Criminal Law Amendment Act, the passage of the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty with the United States, and efforts to reach an agreement with Newfoundland on the management and revenues of offshore oil and gas. Under resource limitations, the department has conducted government litigation and provided legal services to government departments and agencies. Appendixes contain statutes for which the minister of justice is responsible in whole or in part, 1984-1985 grants and contributions, and a list of bodies served by the department's Legal Services Branch.