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Delinquency and Gang Membership as Related to Victimization

NCJ Number
Victimology Volume: 5 Issue: 2-4 Dated: (1980) Pages: 152-160
L Savitz; L Rosen; M Lalli
Date Published
9 pages
The research investigates the manner in which officially recorded delinquency and membership in a combative gang may be associated with subjective estimates of future criminal victimizations (fear of crime) and with overt victimization experiences.
Using data secured from a large population of young black and white males in Philadelphia, the report determined that a police or court record of delinquency did not influence measured fear levels but was positively associated with the chances of being a crime victim. Gang membership within a fighting gang was associated with lower levels of areal fear and less fear of subsequent victimization. Study data are included. No references are cited. (Author abstract modified)


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