NCJ Number
Date Published
140 pages
In volume 2 of the Energy Audit Manual, model calculations are provided for the majority of conservation opportunities so that management may compute potential energy savings and payback.
The computational procedures are simplified methods of calculating energy savings, and therefore only approximate savings result. In addition to the model calculations, technical support materials provide information on reading the electric, gas, and water meters; lighting design; judging sealants and insulation; energy management system; and on simple payback/life cycle costing. Tables showing the monthly and annual heating degree days for 1977-79 are arranged by State and selected cities. Ten charts provide data on the normal heating and cooling seasons for selected U.S. cities, heat loss for various pipe sizes, insulation thickness, and water temperatures; the solar insulation requirements for collectors tilted 10 degrees plus north latitude from the horizontal; the total solar insulation on vertical surfaces; shading coefficients; average hot water consumption for various institutions; and the mean percentage of possible sunshine for selected locations. U-Values are illustrated for typical wall and roof constructions. A glossary and a bibliography of 29 entries are included. See NCJ 73545.