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Deaths in Custody in Australia 1990-2004

NCJ Number
Jacqueline Joudo
Date Published
April 2006
6 pages
This report summarizes the trends related to deaths in custody in Australia between 1990 and 2004.
Although the majority of Australian deaths in custody occurred in police custody between 1980 and 1989, the trend in the 15 years since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC) reveals a different picture. Prison custody deaths have accounted for the majority of deaths in custody since 1990 and have exceeded all other deaths each year. Additionally, while deaths in police custody have decreased since 1990, deaths in police operations have been increasing. Deaths of indigenous persons were lowest in police custody (n=39), however there were 145 prison deaths recorded during the same time period. It is important to continue to monitor all deaths in custody in order to identify changing trends in custody deaths across Australia. This report presents findings on trends of every death occurring in prison custody, police custody, and custody-related operations and in juvenile detention facilities across Australia from 1990 to 2004. References