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DAWN Quarterly Report April-June 1978

NCJ Number
Date Published
172 pages
This publication describes data collected over two sessions (April to June 1978 and January to March 1978) through the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN).
This report contains the narrative description of DAWN data collected during two sessions: April-June 1978 for participating emergency rooms (ERs); and January-March 1978 for participating medical examiners (MEs). It provides the identification of substances associated with drug abuse episodes that are reported by DAWN-affiliated facilities; analysis of drug abuse patterns and trends; assessment of health hazards associated with drug abuse; and provides data for drug abuse program planning, as well as data relative to the control and scheduling of drugs. Definitions of drug abuse, drug abuse episode and drug mention, drug-involved death, drug unknown, and no response are provided, along with classifications for approximately 3,000 substances that are mentioned in the incidents of abuse. Data is categorized by State and collected from emergency room facilities which meet eligibility criteria for DAWN (ERs which are open 24 hours a day; located in non-Federal, short-term general hospitals; and which have at least 1,000 patients with visits to the ER in a year. Tables