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Dating Violence Among High School Students

NCJ Number
Psychology Volume: 23 Issue: 1 Dated: (1986) Pages: 53-56
B Roscoe; T Kelsey
Date Published
4 pages
An aspect of adolescent dating which has not been studied thoroughly is the occurrence and forms of courtship violence.
Senior high school students attending a parochial school were surveyed regarding their involvement and knowledge of interpersonal violence between dating partners. Nineteen percent surveyed admitted to having been subjected to some form of physical violence from a dating partner. Sixty-five percent reported personal knowledge of someone else receiving such treatment. Adolescents' self-reports indicate a variety of causes and forms of such violence, meanings attributed, and resulting consequences. Results from the present study suggest high school dating violence is remarkably similar to both college students and married couples, in combination with previous research findings. 20 references. (Author abstract modified)


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